Thursday, 24 September 2015


 oh what a lovely warm week this has been… 
the orchard is just gorgeous!

 our jonagolds, cortlands and macintosh are still available to pick. 
this weekend we will begin to harvest three 
additional varieties…all relatives of the macintosh.
plentiful and wonderful...

one bite and these will be your new favourite!
so flavourful with a wonderful texture and aroma, 
they have a rich sweet taste with a hint of berry.  
mcgowens are a cross between a mac and a jersey black...
their smaller size makes them a perfect snack!
they are a brilliant all purpose apple… 
 and hold their shape well when baked. 

did you know that a mcgowen is a parent apple to the honeycrisp?
i love how they appear to have freckles! adorable!


a cross of a mac and a newton pippin, 
spartans are exceptionally juicy and crisp.
 with a sweet mellow flavour they are a favourite for cider. 

they lend a wonderful flavour to savoury dishes too,
 pairing well with onions, parsnips, blue cheeses,
 walnuts, rosemary and curry. 
excellent for soups and chutneys,  
they are also well suited for pies.


a sister apple to the spartans and a bit of a mystery apple…
also from the macintosh family.
crisp and juicy with white flesh, snowdans have a delicate flavour.

you can use snowdans anywhere you would use a spartan. 
 they are marvellously thirst quenching! 

 do you have a favourite apple recipe? 
the apples we are currently picking are all brilliant 
for baking as well as enjoying fresh.
 find two classic apple recipes here…

bon appetite! warm hugs,

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