Thursday, 21 September 2017

autumn's first weekend

our calendars say it is the first weekend of autumn,
 but it sure feels like summer wants to linger!
despite the warm week, i just had to make an apple pie with
 our cortlands…my favourite…and with ice cream…
oh the best flavours of summer and autumn together!

besides our macintosh, cortland, royal gala and silken apples,
 we have two new apples that are delightful 
and available this weekend… spartan and mcgowen.


a perfect snack size, they are juicy, sweet, and mellow with low acidity….
so refreshing and thirst quenching. 
a wonderful all purpose kind of apple...these can be used for everything! 
they are a favourite for cider makers and lend a beautiful layer
 of flavour to savoury dishes too, pairing well with
 onions, parsnips, blue cheeses, walnuts, rosemary and curry. 
spartans are excellent for soups and chutneys.…when the days turn a little cooler.


another delightful smaller apple that is perfect to snack on.
 you must try them…it could be a new favourite! 
a cross of a macintosh and a jersey black..these have exceptional flavour...
 juicy, crisp and sweet with a hint of berry. 
they are lovely to bake with too. 
mcgowens are sometimes called macoun.
tomato, tomaahto…either way they are fabulous.

 we are pressing our apples for cider for the first time in years.
cool off with a cup of cold cider down at the credit river...
listen to the crickets… cherish a breeze! 

“autumn…the year’s last, loveliest smile”
w. bryant

goodbye summer and welcome autumn!
warm hugs,

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