oh sweet sicily!
i never considered myself a dessert person….until sicily
after a long, crazy steep, twisty drive,
where the road map looked like a bowl of spaghetti,
and a plate of amazing home made pastries…
so unexpected and decadent! i was smitten!
how cute are the little lids?
our breakfasts included a gorgeous selection of home made
pastries and desserts…dreamy!
seriously...this was breakfast!
we were never far from a pasticceria...
little works of art beckoning from behind windows.
i was so happy to take home this sweet cook book too…
apple desserts “to celebrate every day”.
some recipes use ricotta, others ask for fresh lavender.
i plan to try every single one...
with the help of an italian/english dictionary!
sicily is also known for pistachios and seafood
i think i ordered the perfect dish! mark thinks he did too!
and oh the outdoor farmers’ markets were so fabulous!
i should have taken a video to capture the singing,
shouting, chatting and laughing
...so convivial and high spirited!
i wanted to buy something from every single vendor!
i had never seen so many types of seafood!
...or a more darling shape of cheese!
i think this has to be the teensyest fish market ever!
we often saw men with their tiny vehicles roaming
the cobblestone streets selling produce…and singing!
this was in the back of a truck!

we were surprised and delighted to watch a gentleman
pass a head of cauliflower up to a woman who was on a 2nd story balcony.
she dropped the appropriate money down for him in a basket.
grocery shopping in cefalù!
it was an absolute pleasure to chat with many friendly
local people in charming, small towns.
we so enjoyed our time exploring sicily!
arrivederci italy!
now it’s ontario’s turn for spring!
warm hugs,